Apr 22, 2010

Observe Earth Day: Some tips how humans could be responsible children of mother Earth

Few tips to contribute to Earth Day as responsible child of nature.

  • Save water.
  • Save electricity.
  •  Consume less.
  • Use more daylight. Wake up early to finish your works rather than working late.
  • Use less and less of plastics and other non disposable materials. That harms nature the most.
  • Don’t do over consumption. Money is printed as much as required, circulates and goes from one hand to another. But the natural resources are not re-producible. Don’t pollute water in any manner.
  • You are requested to set yourself right. You don’t need to join any rally. No one would need to if everyone behaves responsibly during their life. Then also, we wouldn’t need any campaign or effort for saving environment, nature and our earth.
  • Plant and nurture at least 10 trees in your lifetime. At least five. You can do it in your society compound or nearby place.
  • Information and communication technology can help do well of earth a lot by reducing the use of natural raw material. But it comes with a caution of compulsory recycle. Otherwise the non-disposable stuff only damages the planet earth. The home of human beings.
  • Use as less CFC gas emitters as possible. In summer choose to stay in cooler places. In winter wear hot woolen clothes. Use less of heating instruments in winter and cooling machines in summer.
  • Don’t pollute hill stations and natural places.
  • Do yoga, pranayama and aasana, dhyana to remain fit and healthy. This also helps stop pollute nature for reasons connected with becoming healthy. Such as production of medicines, chemicals, hospitals bio-waste, killing animals for medicinal purposes and so on.
  • We don’t have to DO many things to save mother earth as far as we DON’T DO some of the things, some mentioned above.
  • Today take some minutes and look around you. Stare at some bird. Analyse some tree or plant. Water some plants. Think what can you do for sure. Search on the internet for climate change, seas, rain, plants, natural fauna. Think about the devastations done and possible due to human's anti-natural activities.
Below are some images giving great message on This EARTH DAY.


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