Jun 10, 2010

Agri-Commodity Traders Learn-India's Monsoon Economy

We have been always of the opinion every trader should increase his knowledge. At least one step a day. Thus, He will see a huge improvement in his activity over a period of even as shorter as 6 month or a year.
Friends, you wake up everyday, trade the same commodity, Get tips from here and there, end up the day with some monetary plus or minus. Is this all? 
By learning we are not telling you to become commodity analyst. Our only argument is that if you have basic knowledge and familiarity about the commodity you are trading; you will be much more confident with every passing day. This Confidence is 'the fundamental' and 'rational confidence' and Not the one we use frequently 'emotional confidence' or one used for 'enthusiastic willingness to take risk.
This also corresponds and explains our slogan "Profit with Confidence".
So, we hope now you know the two types of confidence namely 'illusory confidence' and 'fundamental confidence'.
We will write more on this later.
Keep coming back!

Click below image to learn on India's Monsoon Economy.



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