1 New Traders believe there is some magic trading method that always wins,
they search for the Holy Grail of trading.
2 New Traders do not understand that the very best traders have strings of losses , losing months, and
sometimes even losing years. They think rich traders always win.
3 New Traders want to know what is going up or down, they focus on tips
instead of the mechanics of trading.
4 New Traders hand out advice freely to others, good traders realize that
decisions are based on individual methods and do not give out tips.
5 New Traders are looking for that one big winning trade to go all in on,
good traders are trading good systems that they risk 1% per trade on.
6 New Traders confuse bull markets for skill.
7 New Traders confuse luck for skill.
8 New Traders want advice, good traders want robust systems.
9 New Traders run from method to method and from mentor to mentor after
every losing streak, good traders know exactly who they are and what methods
they trade.