1. Old firm:
We are operating since last more than 10 years (in 2017). Most firms are very new. So they don’t have old and experienced analysts. How to verify this? You can go to our site and check on this link www.meghainvestments.blogspot.in you will find our updated research since 2008 when Google introduced their blogger service in India (We don't know the launch year exactly, but the point is that it was new and nascent in India). So, experience is definitely a plus point. Besides if we are here for so many years then we definitely have more knowledge and experience and have given better service to our customers that is the reason we have been able to survive and thrive this long.
We were one of the 5 firms who started this whole business of advisory in our country- in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, and then it spread in whole India in last 8-9 years. All companies closed down who started with us, only we are surviving. Why? We explain it further here.
So, the point is we get the marks for OLD ESTABLISHMENT and STILL WORKING, SINCE 2008 title which is a one of a great comparison point with any other service provider when you are concerned about the type of quality of service you might get.
So, the point is we get the marks for OLD ESTABLISHMENT and STILL WORKING, SINCE 2008 title which is a one of a great comparison point with any other service provider when you are concerned about the type of quality of service you might get.
Also, our firm is not a private limited or limited co. so we are a basically a group of analysts who started this site and started putting their research ideas and articles and stock tips as part of their study while they were studying their post graduation in different fields. Then after due to market boom and request and demand of many, they started giving professional/paid advice service for very low amount. Then as the time went they started their broking and other business and as the customer increased to give better service, they also increased their charges. That is the reason our charges are one of the highest in industry. So, thus you now know that our firm is operated and owned by analysts themselves and not started by persons who wanted to earn money as an advisory business. Because then the 'businessman's sole motive will be to earn day to day or month to month income and he would do anything to achieve that, including indulging into malpractices. So, this also clears the point that our analysts do not change, so that is why our system of research also remains consistent and the benefit of maturity and experience is gained by customers who join year after another. Not like other companies where analysts change on almost monthly basis (that too newbies and inexperienced ones mostly- those passed out of college - they are really cheap and smart experienced analysts can't be afforded by so-called telemarketing advisory companies - and the fact smart experienced analysts won't go for job rather than do their independent business), and thus customers don’t get benefit of the experienced analysts. Thus we are not strictly for earning money and not work with sales target or fee collection target.
You will find that most of so called advisory co. websites you surf, just go to their about us page and other pages too. You will find that many are just copied and pasted the entire content or 70%+ is similar. Even other pages like products etc. also are also same.
Why? Because many of them are owned and operated by a syndicate of persons or one person alone. You can also see how the 'services' page is more or less the same in all of the so-called advisory websites, with little bit difference of name of service. The most nonsensical aspect is how they simply ask for charges of Rs. 10000 and even as high as 1 lakh and more by merely making a TABLE depicting name of service and 3-4 more lines and simply putting PAY NOW ONLINE or bank account detail!! Don't they have any value for such amount? They are asking for such exorbitant sum as charge without any description or detail or explanation of their service and what it is all about and why should one take it; save the argument about establishment or credibility! God! And only use these different name sites to lure inquiries so that they can offer them free trial and cut them clean! ON THE OTHER HAND, you check out our site, from about us to services page you will not find even 1% similarity between 99% so called advisory firms and our site. Why, because we are different and unique, we have created our site as our shop and it is mostly representing what we are and we have poured years of research and experience in making and polishing our site and products. Our site is not simply a marketing tool or a platform for generating traffic and getting inquiries for free trials. No. We have content because we are a REAL GENUINE ORGANISATION WITH REAL PEOPLE. That is why we stand out of them all. THIS IS HOW YOU VERIFY AND SEPARATE GENUINE BUSINESS FROM THE UNSCRUPULOUS CHEATERS OPERATING TO LOOT PEOPLE.
Why? Because many of them are owned and operated by a syndicate of persons or one person alone. You can also see how the 'services' page is more or less the same in all of the so-called advisory websites, with little bit difference of name of service. The most nonsensical aspect is how they simply ask for charges of Rs. 10000 and even as high as 1 lakh and more by merely making a TABLE depicting name of service and 3-4 more lines and simply putting PAY NOW ONLINE or bank account detail!! Don't they have any value for such amount? They are asking for such exorbitant sum as charge without any description or detail or explanation of their service and what it is all about and why should one take it; save the argument about establishment or credibility! God! And only use these different name sites to lure inquiries so that they can offer them free trial and cut them clean! ON THE OTHER HAND, you check out our site, from about us to services page you will not find even 1% similarity between 99% so called advisory firms and our site. Why, because we are different and unique, we have created our site as our shop and it is mostly representing what we are and we have poured years of research and experience in making and polishing our site and products. Our site is not simply a marketing tool or a platform for generating traffic and getting inquiries for free trials. No. We have content because we are a REAL GENUINE ORGANISATION WITH REAL PEOPLE. That is why we stand out of them all. THIS IS HOW YOU VERIFY AND SEPARATE GENUINE BUSINESS FROM THE UNSCRUPULOUS CHEATERS OPERATING TO LOOT PEOPLE.
Clearly you will find that our services are designed, improved and polished over the time with the experience of analysts who provide it and of course with the help of hundreds of customers we have been able to service over the past years.
Just see the variety of our services. Om most of the other sites you will find almost common services with fancy names like jackpot nifty and so on. Also their service has no description or one two lines of description. And in one page it is complete. A MERE ONE PAGE FOR ALL SERVICE! But on our site each and every service is distinct and you will find a long page giving explanation about service with definition and example. We have given utmost clarity to our visitors about our product. Why and how? Because this is result of our years of experience and work. We have not come to make these products but OUR SERVICES HAVE BEEN EVOLVED AND REFINED AND REDESIGNED AND POLISHED AND PERFECTED OVER SEVERAL YEARS OF EXPERIENCE, and that is how we have them and other don’t. Also, we don’t have fancy names. It’s a bad way of marketing really.
One staggering upper hand we have over 99.99% of so called tip business fraudsters/operators is that - we have been giving SERVICES FOR LONG TERM INVESTORS for past many years. This is for investors who are investing for long term and not trading. We have 5 totally distinct and unique services for such people. I challenge you will not find such anywhere. Because as said above, they are designed by our years and years of experience and expertise and polished over and over again and perfected. So, this is our holistic approach, we have fundamental analysis resources for the same. Ask those all cheating free-tips advisory private limited cos. or individuals what do they have for long term investors? They will say they are not interested because they want instant money and that is possible only by giving free tips for day-trading and then grab money if they are lucky. So, don’t fall victim to such fraudsters. This is also another proof that we are not here to only make profit but to give required and suitable service/to serve the traders and investors honestly and genuinely, and also guide people who are long term investors and promote long term investors- and not only loot people by pushing them all to day trading only.
You will find bank account detail given on all websites as well as online payment link. WHY WE HAVE NOT PUT? We could also put, but we have not put because we are not too much eager to take your money. We FIRST WANT TO DISCUSS WITH YOU. That is why we have not put our bank detail on site or no online payment link. We will first discuss and if we agree about our service then we give you bank detail to make payment, and not otherwise. Another reason is also to avoid problematic/rigid customers, who are only losers and want to blame only and not change. They will first make payment and then not trade as per our advice but do only what they have to do, then blame us, so to avoid waste of time an loss of reputation due to complaints of such fanatics also we have not put bank detail or online payment link on our site. Also many people used to pay money then ask us to give service as per their desire, and we don’t do it so we had to refund their money and that also used to waste a lot time and bank charges and tax entries also.
We have clearly written on our home page that first discuss then join our service. Don’t decide out of hurry or by simply reading our products detail. This is because we want to make sure that everyone selects suitable service. And of course we are not eager that customer pay money as fast as possible. We are not concerned with customer payments but customer satisfaction. Also we don’t take payment of enroll customers unless we discuss with them thoroughly and are satisfied that the person is given right service. Also that is why you will find in our contact form also, an option to choose ‘I want to discuss’ option. Also, by talking with them we want to make them aware about right approach towards market and teach them basic rules and requirements and pitfalls of market mistakes so that they don’t get bitter experience in market that is why also we want them to discuss with us.
The fact of market is that market is very good for some days while bad for some days and just on the sidelines on other days. Many times market is completely uncertain and there is no-clue as to where it is heading. Also, sometime some international or domestic news flow is dominating market and making it impossible to predict or move. While in years many months are filled with 2-5 holidays also. Thus, we developed these ASSURED PROFIT products, as we understand that we cannot bind market in time/months. And if we try to do it we will lose money. Because there are many days when we don’t know what to do or it is highly risky or completely uncertain etc. and on those days we trade or send calls then we are/customer bound to lose money. But that is what happened in monthly service. So, we came out with this profit-bound service where we give assurance of profit, and till that amount of profit is achieved to the customer our service continues, our responsibility towards the customer continues. Our another logic is also that in monthly service suppose we keep sending you calls/sms, what is its value, you don’t pay us fees to receive a 25 paisa SMS service! NO! You give charges to GET ACTUAL PROFIT IN STOCK TRADING! So, just SMS is not what you want, you want actual profit. In our assured profit system it is possible. Visit our site for more detail of the same.
Our logo and brand name is registered trademark, and one of the first in this industry. Nowadays some companies have also done this after copying us. Why it is important. BECAUSE WE HAVE A BRAND NAME REPUTATION/GOODWILL that is why we had to protect it an many times taken action and closed some firms who used our name by help of law in the past. Those people who are operating for many years and for long term in future AND WHO THINKG OR WANT TO MAKE THEIR FIRM A BRAND NAME only worry about protecting their brand name…OTHER WISE WHY WILL THEY WORRY ABOUT OTHER USING THEIR NAME…but we worry. So we have our registered trademark for many years now. This is not the only but one of the logical points to consider while choosing better advisor. Also, please beware of persons SELLING OR PITCHING SERVICES BY FLAUNTING THEIR SEBI REGISTRATION, AS IT TAKES ONLY RS.15,000 TO REGISTER AND ANYONE CAN GET REGISTRATION NUMBER BY PASSING A SIMPLE EXAM.
Yes…we are receiving all the inquiries by ‘mouth publicity’ or word of mouth by our satisfied clients of past years. We are automatically ranking on Google search because our site is so much full of best content and research and several years older that it is automatically listed on top pages for which other money-looting advisory pay lacs of rupees to SEO experts and also spend lacs on Google and facebook ads. This is also a big point to consider while find genuine advisory company. We are not saying that those who advertise are all bad. But this point is also important and should be considered among the other above listed points. We also don’t worry about getting new customers and inquiries because we do not give free trials and because we are serving for many years, and that’s why we already have many clients to thrive and survive. So, just think twice when you open advisory websites by clicking on advertisements.
Also just imagine, all those telemarketing advisory companies who put up so much infrastructure and manpower and spend lacs on SEO or marketing, huge telemarketing sales team costs etc., have to earn a minimum amount every month or they will have to shut down the very next month. So, they will engage and employ all kinds of malpractice, misleading things, and fraud tactics to lure customers. They will definitely make people bet big and do gambling so that customer earns or loses big and they can get big amounts in profit sharing fees etc. On the other hand like we said, we do not spend 1 rupee on advertisement, so do not have compulsion to have minimum income per month and that helps us remain honest to our customers and not make them take huge risks and eventually lose their capital.
Also just imagine, all those telemarketing advisory companies who put up so much infrastructure and manpower and spend lacs on SEO or marketing, huge telemarketing sales team costs etc., have to earn a minimum amount every month or they will have to shut down the very next month. So, they will engage and employ all kinds of malpractice, misleading things, and fraud tactics to lure customers. They will definitely make people bet big and do gambling so that customer earns or loses big and they can get big amounts in profit sharing fees etc. On the other hand like we said, we do not spend 1 rupee on advertisement, so do not have compulsion to have minimum income per month and that helps us remain honest to our customers and not make them take huge risks and eventually lose their capital.
We, both on our site and our blog, have a rich collection of original articles helpful for investors and traders. On 99% sites you will not find this. And on other 1% it is mostly copy paste from elsewhere. Is this important? THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT! Because basically you want buy-sell recommendations or advice, and how does that come? By don’t research and analysis of market by fundamental and technical tools, right? So if any so-called advisory firm does not have theses ‘research’, they must be asked a question how are you giving the service? Or probably most are only flipping coin or giving buy-sell SMS to people by imagination by looking and screen or tips from website etc…WE ALL AGREE THAT THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT A GOOD THING FOR CUSTOMERS! The point is that we have a strong proof our research base and its validity and strength by the way of our original research articles content. MOST OTHERS DON’T HAVE THIS AT ALL, AND OTHERS WHO HAVE ARE COPY PASTE FROM INTERNET OR JUST INFERIOR TO OUR CONTENT.
For best services for traders and investors in Indian stock market for multibagger stock calls and intraday stock, nifty, stock futures, options trading calls visit our website www.meghacapital.in
For best services for traders and investors in Indian stock market for multibagger stock calls and intraday stock, nifty, stock futures, options trading calls visit our website www.meghacapital.in